Today when I was uploading a Mangeto website to another hosting then suddenly I faced two problems.

When I was opening my website then It was redirecting me to my old url.
Solution: This issue is not so serious and complicated you just find a database table
and search for
. You will notice that your old domain is there so you need to replace that with the new one. Just it you are done.
There has been an error processing your request. Just below the error there was a report number too. It is very important to debug the issue.
Solution: For this issue I searched on internet and found some ideas and then I checked the logs and reports under var->report from FTP Manager and opened the given report number file. You will get ur report file by the name of the error number that you saw when you tried to open your website. Please read point number 2. In this file I read the first few lines and found the following error.
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry....
I didn’t provide the complete error for security issues but I want to tell you what was that. Actually when you open your Magento website then it saves your information in the table (you can notice the name of the table in the report file). I noticed that when I was opening my website then it was creating a record with a primary key and that was already existing that’s why it was showing this error.
Solution: I noticed that it was entering a record at 1165 while there were already 1180 records so what I did I just refreshed my page for 15 more times and problem has gone. Solution is seriously making me laugh but it worked for me.