If you face a problem when implement ‘Recently View Products or (RVP)” then you can clear your all the doubts for always here. This is the most popular feature in Magento so every Magento developer must know it very well. You also know about the complete customization of it too. When I was teaching this feature to my Magento training students then I thought that I must share this thing for the rest of the world too and hope you will like it.

There is an option called ‘Widgets’ in Magento that does this magic actually. Widgets option in Magento is an option that collects some useful information from database automatically.
You can create ‘recently viewed products’ from Widgets option only but how would you show in a particular column or part on a website of a particular page is little tricky.
There are various approaches to achieve it.
- You can display a widget directly on a particular page
- You can insert a widget in a ‘Block’ and then insert that block in a page
- You can insert a widget directly into a CMS page too.
I like the first approach very much. Please follow along with me.
1. Click on CMS->Widgets

2. Click on the ‘Add new widget instance’

3. Select Type->Recently Viewed Products
4. Select Design Package Theme->Your Theme

5. Click on Continue Button
6. In Frontend Properties

- Give the Widget Instance Title
- Assign to store views->All Store Views
- Scroll a little down and you will notice a ‘Layout updates’ section

- Click on Add Layout Updates
- Display On -> Specified Page (you can select any other option too)
- Page->(Select your desired page)
- Block Reference->(Select your reference to show it)
7. In Widget Options

- Set ’Number of Products to display’
8. Click on ‘Save’ button and check your specified page. Don’t forget to clear the cache if you don’t see anything.

Let me know if you have any doubt in comment please. You can learn Magento from us too we provide training of Magento tools and commands, theme development, and extension development.