In today’s emerging digital world when all the types of businesses from small scale to large scale are coming online. The new revolution is taking place with time in the IT industry. The need for Web Developers is increasing because of this transition. Especially the full stack web developers.

Since with the increase in demand for web technologies the advancement is also taking place each and every day. So, it is believed that a full stack web developer will have a particular set skill before starting to work on live projects. These skill set will be discussed in the later in the blog.
Who are Full Stack Web Developers?
Full stack web developers are the ones who have expertise in the front-end languages as well as backend language. Front end languages consist of HTML & CSS, JavaScript, BootStrap and jQuery. It basically looks after the user interface and user experience of the web page i.e., how will end-user see it.
Interested in Front-End Part? Go for our UI Designing and Development Course!
If we look at the back end part then one of the important languages for it is PHP and MySQL. It basically deals with database and storage of data that is to be uploaded or entered in the webpage.
Why do Companies Need a Full Stack Web Developer?
Nowadays, the need for full-stack web developers is in high demand because:
- A full-stack-web-developer can look after all the processes that are going on in a project.
- It reduces the technical cost of the development team
- Not only this, it reduces the company’s personnel, infrastructure, and operational cost.
Skills Required to be a Full Stack Web Developer
Here is the list of skills that are needed to be there in a full stack web developer:
I. Front End Languages
A full stack web developer first needs to be well versed with the knowledge of UI design and development which involves the following languages:
1. HTML5
HTML is a basic language which deals with the content that will be displayed on a webpage. It helps in designing a static webpage. It is done with the help of semantics that are there in this language.
Here are few semantics tags that are mostly used:
- <abbr> for Abbreviation
- <div> for Logical Division of the code
- <cite> for citation
- <blockquote> for long quotation
- <span> for inline styling of the code etc.
HTML5 is written in a manner that it can be understood by the coders as well as the non-coders.
2. CSS3
CSS3 stands for Cascading Style Sheet, it is used to style the webpage that is written in HTML5. Perfection in CSS3 can change the whole outlook of the website.
In order to add CSS to an HTML document, you can go for 3 ways:
- Inline: A common way where you can add just inside the element of HTML.
- Internal: With the help of <style> element in <head>section.
- External: With the help of the external CSS file.
So, the web developer with the above two skill sets i.e. can design the amazing UI design of the website.
Know the Crucial steps to Design Amazing UI Design!
Now what is needed is some response and action on the static web page to make it dynamic and improve the user experience.
For this reason, this 3rd skill is required i.e..
3. JavaScript
JavaScript is also a client-side language which helps in making the webpage dynamic by adding special effects to it such as rollover, transitions, different types of graphics, etc. It is mainly used in web pages for validation purpose. It can load the entire document without even reloading the whole page.
Read About JavaScript in Detail – Informative JavaScript Blogs
This also includes knowledge of AJAX and jQuery.
4. BootStrap
Since websites are used on each and every device, so they need to be easy to use on any device such as mobile, laptop or tablet, this is known as Responsive Web Page. Here, BootStrap comes handy. It saves a lot of developers’ time while designing a responsive webpage and dive into the ocean of web and become a web master with web design courses in delhi.
II. Back end languages
Back end languages are also known as a server-side language. It plays a very important role in storing data in the database and making the web content dynamic and also modifying the web content according to the user.
1. PHP
PHP is a very basic and highly mandate language for any back-end developer. It is free, efficient and widely used.
It can be used directly or to ease the coding it is used with its frameworks such as :
- CodeIgniter
- Laravel
- Symfony
- CakePHP etc.
2. MySQL
Now, where will all the data be stored? MySQL is a database language used to store data which can be modified in PhpMyAdmin without using any code.
So, this the basic skill set needed to be a full stack web developer.
Go for Web Master Plus course to select choose your career as a full stack web developer!
Though these are basic skills but with high competition comes the higher need to be expert in all the above-stated software. All you need is a good institute which has a complete web design and web development course with expert faculty. ADMEC Multimedia Institute is the best web design and development institute which has an exclusive range of web design and development course with industry expert trainers.