Typography play a big role in graphic designing, because using typography we can make our design very attractive that’s why typography is very essential for good designing but it is very difficult to choose appropriate typeface for a design. So now here I am explaining about the typography, means what is typography, typefaces classifications, which classification is suitable for your topic. I am taking a topic just for the example i.e. energy so that you can see how I plan few steps in my consideration to pick the best typeface.

You must know about the typography anatomy, typography classification, typography rules, and various other terms related to create a best design using typefaces. This is what you learn in your graphic design classes at the Graphic Design Institute in Delhi. Knowledge of typography anatomy helps you in identifying typefaces and when you know them then you can use as per their requirement because every typeface is here for a special need as it has a unique shape.
Classifications of typefaces
Although mainly there are two most common typefaces: Serif and Sans-serif
- Serif: serif typefaces are called “serifs” in reference to the small lines that are attached to the main strokes of characters within the face. Serif typefaces are best suitable for body text.
There are many sub-types in serifs:
- Old style serifs: The oldest typefaces in this classification , dating back to the mid 1400s .The main characteristics of the old style characters is their diagonal stress. Typefaces in this category include: Adobe Jenson, Centaur, and Goudy.
- Transitional serifs: date back to the mid 1700s, and are generally the most common serif
- Modern serifs: which include typefaces like Didot and Bodoni have a much more pronounced contrast between thin and thick lines, and have vertical stress and minimal brackets.
- Slab serifs: which have little to no contrast between thick and thin lines and have thick rectangular serifs and sometimes have fixed widths.
- Sans-Serif: They lack serif details on characters. Sans serif typefaces are often more modern in appearance than serifs. The first sans – serifs were created in the late 18th century.
There are four basic classification of sans-serif:
- Grotesque
- Neo – grotesque
- Humanist
- Geometric
Lets have a look on our topic i.e. Energy
It is the ability to do work. Energy can be found in number of different forms. It can be chemical energy, electrical energy, and mechanical energy etc.
According to my topic of physical energy of people, we can use both the typefaces in this assignment serif and sans-serif. As per a rule one should not use more than 2 typefaces and same category typeface. If you will use multiple typefaces and same category typefaces on a same page then they will clash and contrast will be vanished.
Energy denotes to the utmost power so I would like to use a heavy or thick typeface as well as it is associated with the modern power option that is completely indulge with digital control and also we use such energy power to run high tech nuclear plants and jet plans too. So I would like to use a typeface that offers high level sophistication with modern look.
So I will be using any one from the following combinations:
For Regular Text: Centaur

For headings, sub headings, captions etc: Frutiger

For Regular Text: Berkeley

For headings, sub headings, captions etc: Universe

For Regular Text: Trajan Pro
For headings, sub headings, captions etc: Franklin Gothi

Although there may be so many best typeface combinations even I too have in my mind but the most important thing is to know how one can make decisions related to typefaces. If you want to explore more of it, you can opt for a graphic design course in Delhi.
COURSE: 08 Months Diploma in Graphic Design
Presentation on SlideShare:
Tips and Tricks on how to use Typography
Tips and Tricks how to use Typography from ADMEC Multimedia Institute
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Typography and Colors for GUI Designers from ADMEC Multimedia Institute