Bootstrap is a CSS-based front-end framework made by Twitter. It is the most popular framework worldwide for UI development using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

UI developers mostly use Bootstrap to create websites and apps. It is used to design the front end of these websites and applications. Bootstrap offers pre-built components, HTML & CSS, and JavaScript. It also supports SASS. Because of Bootstrap and the power of its components, you can design complex UI in minutes.
Why Bootstrap is So Popular?
As the title says, components are the power of Bootstrap, but there are other things to know. In Bootstrap, we have many inbuilt classes, which we can use to style our HTML elements easily. In CSS, we have to create classes ourselves, while here, we get many pre-built classes. In the Bootstrap course, you will learn to use pre-built components and inbuilt classes.
Components of Bootstrap are the Power of Bootstrap
There are many components of bootstrap:
1. Accordion
In Bootstrap, Accordion organizes the content in a collapsible panel. It can allow using toggle effect between content sections. With the help of the toggle effect, it can show or hide information in the content section. It has multiple content sections but it can open only one section at a time.

2. Alerts
In Bootstrap, Alert is a component that is used as a message box that can show important information to the user. It can be shown to the display by warning, success, error, etc. in such a noticeable way on the web page. Bootstrap provides pre-built classes that help us to style & display these messages in a website easily.

3. Badge
In Bootstrap, a Badge is a small label or tag that displays more information on the web page. It`s like a little tag that is attached to items or products to highlight something important. For example, the ‘sale’ tag attached to the product.

4. Breadcrumb
Breadcrumb is used as the navigation tool that shows the user’s current location on the website. It can easily allow navigating back to the previous page on the website. It helps users to understand where they are on a website. It’s like a map of the website that shows where you are and how to get back to the previous page. It’s helpful for users to understand the structure of the website.

5. Buttons
In Bootstrap, Buttons are clickable elements that allow us to act like opening a link, changing the page, etc. Buttons are essential elements in web design. With the help of a button, users can interact with your website. Bootstrap provides different types of colors & sizes to make your website interactive.

6. Button group
A button group is a way to combine multiple buttons in one group, either vertically or horizontally. It’s helpful to keep related buttons together on the page to make it easier to understand and interact it.

7. Card
A card helps you to contain content together neatly and cleanly in the form of a container. It contains text, images, buttons, links, etc., Cards is a box that holds related information and looks attractive on the web page.
The basic structure of Cards:
Card Header: Contains and used for title or image.
Card Body: Contains main content area where you put text description and links.
Card Footer: Contains links and buttons.

8. Carousel
Carousel works like a slideshow on the web page. It contains many images and content in an organized and sliding format. In Bootstrap, the carousel is a feature that lets you display a series of images in a sliding, interactive way. You can navigate the items using the previous and next buttons; by using these buttons they go to the previous or next page.

9. Close button
The close button is used in web pages to close or hide the page. It can be shown by ‘X’ this symbol on the display of the web page and it is placed in the top right corner of the element. It is typically used with modals, alerts, and notifications. It can be used with or without JavaScript functionality.

10. Collapse
Collapse is a component that helps to hide or show content easily. For example, imagine you have a paragraph of text that you want to hide so by the help of collapse you can wrap your text. Also, add a button or link with that so by clicking the button you can open or wrap the content. If you add a button with a Class is called collapse toggle. When you click the button text will appear or disappear. With the help of this, you can make your content more interactive.

11. Dropdown
A dropdown is a menu on a web page that appears when you click on a button or link. It provides a list of options for users to choose it. When you use the menu it hides extra information or options until the user uses it. It makes your website more interactive.

12. List group
In Bootstrap, the List group makes a list of items in a nice & organized way. It makes a list like ‘favorite food list’ ‘to-do list’ etc. They make the website more interactive. List groups can be customized as you want.

13. Modals
In Bootstrap, the Modal component is used to hide or show extra information without leaving the main page. When you click on a button that says “Open-Modal” (or something like that). A pop-up window appears on top of the main page, with a gray background. It’s like when you click on ‘sign in’ or ‘login’ on the website so you get the form and when you are done you can click the close button.

14. Navbar
In Bootstrap, Navbar is like a menu bar that usually appears at the top of a web page. It contains a logo or brand name, a menu with different pages and sections, and optional features like login buttons, shopping carts, or a search bar. It’s helpful because users navigate your website easily.

15. Navs & tabs
Navs refers to navigation components and it can be used to create menus, submenus, and other navigation elements in Bootstrap. They can be horizontally &vertically and they can be customized with different styles & colors.
On the other hand, Tabs are a specific type of navigation component that displays content in separate tabs.

16. Offcanvas
Off-canvas is the component that helps you create a sliding sidebar that can be toggled on and off. It provides additional information without removing anything from the main page. This panel can contain any type of content such as text, images, forms, or even other bootstrap components.

17. Pagination
The pagination component is used to break down large amounts of data into smaller & more manageable chunks(pieces). Like the website breaks into many pages. It provides a clear & easy-to-use to use way to move between pages.

18. Placeholder
A placeholder can be defined as it’s like a box or a blank space. That holds a place for something else like an image or text, that will be loaded later. It helps to make the layout of a web page look nice and neat.

19. Popovers
In Bootstrap, popovers are like a little bubble that pops up with extra information. It provides extra information about something. You can read the information and then click away to close the popovers. With the help of popovers, a website became more interactive.

20. Progress
It shows progress clearly. Progress refers to a visual representation of how far a process is. it provides visual feedback to users. It helps us to understand how much time or effort is required for something.

21. Scrollspy
In Bootstrap, Scrollspy is a feature that helps you highlight the current section of the web page as you scroll. It helps users to navigate long web pages that have enough height. It is easy to use and customized. You can create a list of links and different sections of your web page.

22. Spinner
In Bootstrap, spinners are small animations that show before something is uploaded or processed. It’s like a loading sign on a web page. The spinners keep animating until the uploading is complete. It shows that something is happening. It helps the user to wait patiently.

23. Toasts
In Bootstrap, Toasts are small, temporary messages that pop up on a web page for some time. It is useful because it provides quick feedback to users. It’s like, you are filling a form on a website. When you click the submit button a toast pops up saying form submitted successfully! And then it disappears after a few seconds or you can close it also by the click on close button.

24. Tooltips
In Bootstrap, Tooltips are like a hover effect over something on a web page. You hover over a button or links or other elements on the web page. When you move your mouse away, the tooltip disappears. It provides helpful explanations or hints. It’s easy to use and customized. It’s like a helper that gives the user more information.

For example, if you are using your website and you have to click on the button that says download. If you hover over the button, a tooltip might appear saying ‘download our free eBook’. It saves the space on a web page.
Bootstrap components are pre-designed, reusable elements that make websites faster and easier. This blog explores the official Bootstrap documentation in easy ways. These components are not fixed as we have given here, you can customize them anytime also.
Our expert team of faculty teaches Bootstrap at an advanced level in our web design classes. It is a compulsory part of all certificate and diploma courses in web development too.